Gauteng Grade R Improvement Project Advocacy Learning Briefs

In 2020, Wordworks was commissioned to design the materials for the Gauteng Grade R Improvement Project, building on its Stellar Grade R Home Language programme. 

Two Learning Briefs (see below) came out of this project. We also wrote a reflection on CAPS Home Language (Grade R).

Teaching Language and Literacy in Grade R

Drawing on research and best practice for teaching young children, we wrote two briefs that highlight key principles that underpinned the development of materials to teach letter–sound knowledge and strengthen oral language in Grade R.  These materials were developed as part of a story-based Home Language programme for the Gauteng Grade R Language Improvement Project, a provincial teacher training programme targeting all Grade R teachers in public ordinary schools, special needs schools and registered ECD centres in Gauteng. 

Learning Brief 1 describes the code-related aspects of the programme (letter–sound knowledge and phonological awareness).

Learning Brief 2 concentrates on those aspects of the programme focused on strengthening the teaching of oral language through a focus on oral storytelling. Read More

Read the Teaching Language and Literacy in Grade R Learning Brief (Letters and Sounds) here.
Read the Teaching Language and Literacy in Grade R Learning Brief (StoryTelling) here

Reflection on CAPS

To ensure coverage of and alignment with the curriculum, we looked at the content, concepts and skills covered in the CAPS document for each of the four terms in the Grade R year. We found the CAPS document challenging to navigate and therefore began by grouping related content, concepts and skills and tracking them for developmental progression across all four terms of the Grade R year. The process revealed several issues in the CAPS document: inconsistencies, repetition, a lack of conceptual coherence, incorrect use of terminology, and challenges with developmental progression across the Grade R year. We reflect on these issues in this brief. Read More


Read Reflection on CAPS Learning Brief here
What is the impact of a STORY-BASED TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME on language and early literacy in 4- and 5-year-olds?

Here is a series of research briefs on the Wordworks *Little Stars programme that explores this question. The research was conducted by a team made up of Dr Shelley O’Carroll, Prof Daleen Klop, Monique Visser, Annelien Smith and Anike Swart from the Stellenbosch University, Prof Jane Oakhill from the University of Sussex and Prof Kate Cain from the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom.

*Little Stars is a low-cost, open-source language and literacy professional development programme (in 3 languages) for teachers of 4- and 5-year-olds. See more on this website.

Wordworks Little Stars Research Project Final Report 2024

Report on the at-home early language and literacy pilot for Grade R and Grade 1: Second mid-pilot report | 2021

This second mid-pilot report was compiled to summarise the work done to support schools and homes to use the at-home early language and literacy programme for Grade R and Grade 1 materials, and to reflect on the feedback received from districts and schools.

Read the report here.